I thought I'd tell you a little more about our family :)
I don't think I have officially introduced my kids to you, they are amazing gifts from the Lord and I'm so proud of each one of them.
Jack is our oldest, he's 8 and an "old man" by nature. Although he tends to be a tad more serious, he has the best "belly laugh" you've ever heard! He's smart and sensitive and loves baseball and football. Oh and video games too... Star Wars and Madden football are among his faves. He has become quite the reader and writer in the past year which is awesome to watch happen. Although chores aren't his favorite of things to do, he keeps his bedroom pretty darn clean. And I love that he's the kinda kid that will sit on your lap and even still hold your hand out in public. What a good boy you are Jack.
Then there is Mikie. He came just 12 months & 17 days after Jack was born... talk about a surprise! Mikie has been a treat ever since that day he came into this world 6 (almost 7) years ago. I was just teasing him today about how he didn't open his lil' eyeballs for 2 days after he was born. Mikie is a HAM who can be crazy silly or just joins into any conversation. He likes to talk to people and is a very helpful boy with a love for building/putting things together. Give him some Legos and 2 hours alone in his room and he is one happy camper.
And last by certainly not least is Miss Molly. Molly is 3. She's a girl through and through although she does love to dig in the dirt. Just the way I like it! She loves pink and baby dolls and playing mommy and all that comes with being a girl. She is a compassionate child who gives wonderful tight hugs around the neck (when in the mood, HA!). She cried as we left for Granny's house this evening cause she couldn't bring the car that went with the doll she had. But I gotta keep a limit on the toy distribution, you know? I put the little doll in the chair in the sitting position on the front porch and told Molly the doll will wait for her to get home. That made her little world end! She couldn't bear the thought of leaving that doll there all alone. That's Molly...
So there is a little glimpse into who our kids are! You will see many a digital scrapbook page with them cause they are my reason for doing what I do! I started traditional scrapbooking when Jack was 3 months old and switched to digital 3 years ago. Isn't it awesome to feel like you've found something you LOVE to do and it's a blessing to others who look at it and have memories they share!? That's what I call GOOD STUFF...
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