I must admit, I have been one bad blogger!
Life has taken over and I haven't sat down to write in much, much too long. This past summer has been one of the more difficult ones for our family. Starting with the loss of Bean, our beloved German Shepherd mix who passed away one week short of my birthday. She was my best friend, here one day and gone the next. Memories of her pop into my mind when I least expect them to and tears fill my eyes... No one ever told me that losing a pet would be SO hard. Sure we had dogs all growing up and I loved them, but not like Bean. She was a huge part of me, a big part of my life, every single day and then she was gone. It still hurts.
Then with the turning of the calendar into July we celebrated our boys birthdays, they are 9 and 8 already - so hard to believe! Where in the world did those years go? As August approached, we received a call that my sister-in-law had had a massive heart attack. At first I thought my husband was cracking a joke, although not funny. I just didn't believe it was true. Rushing to the hospital, we didn't know what to expect. She was in a coma. She never regained consciousness and her grown children had to make the most difficult decision of their lives, to remove their mom from life support. She passed away on August 12th, the day after my husband's birthday.
During all of that, my father-in-law learned his lung cancer had returned and faced some difficult decisions on how to proceed. At the time, having drastic surgery seemed like it would be the best option. While the decision was being made to remove Phyllis from life support, we learned the lung cancer had spread and there wasn't much more the doctor could do (he had already taken his entire right lung). There were only a few days of Lee improving where he was faced with the truths about his daughter being taken off of life support and about his own prognosis. He was soon facing life threatening breathing issues and placed on a ventilator. Before we knew it, the excruciating decision was made to remove him from life support. Unbelievable. Fifteen days after Phyllis' death he passed away. That was August.
Soon school started for all 3 of our kids, my first year without anyone home during the day. Molly has struggled a bit with the changes of all day/every day and missing mama :) I've met with her teacher and principal to talk with them about Molly and all of our happenings to give them more insight into why she has been crying at school. The lunchroom, "scary stairs," and recess being overwhelming are getting better each day - she's a trooper for 5 years old! She's not with her big brothers at school so that's a hardship she's had to face as well.
I wasn't thinking about "going back to work" until maybe after the new year but at our September PTO meeting the mention was made for the "desperate" need for a crossing guard at our school (the boys school). A week later, I was out there holding a stop sign. I love being there with my kids each day, I get to wave at Molly's shuttle bus as it leaves to take her to "her school" every morning and wave her in each afternoon. I even have a handy dandy radio so I look cool. :)
Molly's bus driver pulled over the other day and opened the folding bus doors to tell me Molly had just told her Bean died. I recognized the driver (cause I see her every day pulling in as the driver we had last year) and told Molly to tell her where we live and that we had Bean, "she'd probably remember."
The bus driver was crying.
She was so touched by Bean and how she'd get on the bus all the time last year. It brought me to tears to see her so sad and I had to talk myself out of the lump in my throat so the kids I "cross" wouldn't see any tears.
So... the tears are fresh and the pain is real, but I'm here!
Hoping to get you excited about digital scrapbooking (and myself motivated again!) and I'm having fun designing greeting cards for 2012. Happy Fall and welcome back :)
the orange clothesline greeting cards 2012
all cards are 5x7 sized
.89 cents per card, envelopes included
card name : {blessings}
card name : {Christmas cheer}
card name : {glitter}
card name : {love hope joy}
card name : {merry and happy}
card name : {merry dots}
card name : {peace on earth}
card name : {poinsetta}
card name : {red snowflake}
card name : {tidings}
card name : {we wish you}