Saturday, October 20, 2012

thinking AHEAD

I am sooooo in the mood to do crafts with my kids.  Christmas crafts.  

I know, it's not even Halloween. 

So I'm keeping it under wraps...  well from my older two...  but took my youngest on a little walk thru Pinterest today looking at ornament ideas!  She was drooling just like her mama :)  No, no, I'm not in the mood for Christmas carols on the radio or anything crazy like that - I'm just in the mood for spending some QT (quality time) with the kiddos, sitting around the table being, well crafty.  I think getting the greeting cards up and running has gotten the fire burning. 

So... while poking around on Pinterest, I found these fun ornaments that I think even my 9 year old will have fun with!  I figured we'd all go to the local scrapbooking store and pick out whatever paper they each like and have fun making ornaments!  Not 'til December...  Something to look forward to ;)

...and how 'bout the name of the blog?!  LOVE IT!

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