Saturday, February 25, 2012


I've made a start!  And it's been so fun :) 
I've been scanning in old pictures and searching through
all sorts of digital photos.  I'll keep the pages coming!

Friday, February 24, 2012

Catchin' Up!

Working on my ALPHABETIZE ME 2012 project, I am seeing that I've had more hairstyles than I realized! 

How are you today?  Boy, I see it's been too long since I've said hello!  Things are going well - life is kickin' along at it's usual BUSY pace.  I've been battling a bad cold and the insurance company.  Not sure which is worse. :) 

We just got some snowfall last night and it's really pretty out there.  Molly has already asked me 4 times if I'll sled on the orange sled with her.  I gave her a "maybe" which she turned into,

"Boys!  Mom said she'll sled today!"

We'll have to see about that.  I hope this finds you doing well!  I'm currently scanning in old photos for my ALPHABETIZE ME 2012 project which I'm super excited to have some time to be working on tomorrow at a crop!  YIPEE! 

I'll be sharing what I get accomplished right here on my blog and on the orange clothesline FB page.  Stay tuned!

Thursday, February 2, 2012


I have no idea what's up with my header, but I'd rather have it nice and clear than distorted like it's looked for a while now!  So it's teeny, but that's ok!  Cause it's not pixely anymore.  Is pixely a word?  Now it is!

How have you been?  It's been a pretty quiet day I'd say.  Got to help in my son's 1st grade class this morning which was a real treat.  He's so fun.  So silly and full of personality.  Now I'm home and sitting on the couch next to a dog who is also full of personality!  Never a dull moment ;)

Hoping you are having a good Thursday as well and feeling motivated to scrap!  I'm having fun coming up with words for my ALPHABETIZE ME project, especially with your help that I've been receiving on Facebook.  It's fun to compile this list of words for each letter!  Last night I sat down with the kids and we went thru the first of many boxes of old photos.  Knowing it would be chaos, I simply asked them to make a pile of pix that had ME in them.  So they did.  There's a start.  The words are coming together for each letter of the alphabet, and the pictures will follow.  What a fun project! 

To think, there will be a book about me.  A fun keepsake and conversation piece!  Now... 5 years from now... 20 years from now!  HA!  What a hoot!  (who ever came up with that expression anyways??)